Saturday, September 13, 2014


Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. When I thought about what it actually means I thought about all of the moments when we take chances or take risks. He would completely disagree with that, at least I assume so from his statement. I myself like to analyze aspects of my life and I do agree that it is important because that way we get to know ourselves better. But I also think that moments in our lives should be spontaneous. We can't plan every second of our life and know everything that happens and the reason why. I'm a teen, sometimes I have no idea how I feel and much less why I feel that way. The important thing about life is that you live it, own every second of it. So, its not so much about analyzing everything but stopping once in a while and just thinking about who you are or want to be and why. A lot of people hate asking themselves those questions but they're inevitable anyway. But I also know that his time was different from our and I honestly believe that if he saw just how different everyone is and how they are still successful even he'd think about rephrasing his statement because, honestly, any life is worth living. It's truly a blessing and a gift.


  1. I agree that all life is worth living and that introspection is inevitable. But I don't quite understand what you mean when you say Socrates would disagree with taking chances and risks. Wouldn't that be a spontaneous act? Does taking risks make your life "unexamined"?

  2. I agree with you that examining our lives helps us to know ourselves better. When you say, "they are still successful," who are you referring to? People who don't examine their lives? I agree that in terms of financial success, people succeed without examining their lives. However, I think Socrates would understand success more to mean a life of meaning that comes from the analyzation of one's life.
