Thursday, April 2, 2015

Deep (Ordinary) Letter

Dear Mom and Dad,
It's been 17 years since you guys messed up my hospital papers when you accidentally wrote Jennifer Lopez instead of Jennifer Hernandez. It seems like that's how it's been ever since. Not me feeling like Jennifer Lopez (LOL) but rather you guys messing up. I'm not saying it's a bad thing because everyone messes up. In a way I'm glad that certain things have happened between the family because those situations have made me who i am today. And i don't blame you for any qualities i may not be content with. I only partially blame you for teaching me all that you know and raising me to become a dependent child. All that you know is not the truth and sometimes you guys forget that. We have begun to think in distinct ways and no one will ever be right when on opposing sides.  I love what you've been able to teach me and I love that you guys care so deeply about me but I'm scared that one day you'll blame me for wanting to be my own person and create distance between us. But you of all people should know that it's as hard to be the parent as it is to be the child and let go.